Disappointingly, Kinokuniya didn't have a wide range of tatting books, and I only found two. I grabbed this book.
The book titles translates to something like "This book is all you need to learn about tatting lace."
Japanese books are awesome when it comes to step-by-step tutorials with pictures, making it really easy to figure out what's going on.
Although the book is targeted for beginners, it contains a variety of patterns, ranging from doilies to accessories. The patterns themselves are easy to medium in difficulty level. The patterns start out very easy and then progressively become more difficult as the book introduces the readers to each tatting technique.
I've only just looked through the book, but I think it has great patterns which are easy yet beautiful at the same time and allows you to master each tatting technique as you go. I say this is a great practice book with awesome patterns. Looking forward to starting this book when my threads are delivered tomorrow!
In the meanwhile, I tried the DMC perle cotton (size 8) yesterday. The thread is very smooth, so it was much easier to close rings when compared to Valdani threads. I still think it's too soft and cushiony and delicate, so I'm really looking forward to how sturdy the Lizbeth and Majestic threads are when they arrive tomorrow.
My failed attempt at a Chantilly Border pattern. But I learned how to reverse work, so that's one, small step!